Home - the literacy shed, Welcome to the literacy shed - the home of visual literacy. here at literacy shed we aim to provide teachers with high quality films and animations that can be used in the primary classroom to enhance the teaching of reading and writing. all of the films on the site we think are suitable for primary aged children although some films may not be.
Literacy shed plus - literacy shed plus - teaching, Free resources age 4-5 age 5-7 age 7-9 age 9-11 dadwavers reading vipers vocabulary ninja christmas resources comprehension plus more resources exemplar resources memberships help teaching resources.
Samples - the literacy shed, The literacy shed. home literacy shed store the literacy shed blog cpd book shop about book of the week contact us vocabularyninja history
workshops click the buttons below to view samples of our english units, these are representative of the film units found on www.literacyshedplus.com . age 4 - 7. unit overview. lesson plans. in addition to are many pics by a variety of places
Literacy Shed Plus - Living Things
Literacy Shed Plus - Evolution
Literacy Shed Plus - Emergency Services
Pic Example Literacy shed free comprehension

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